is a masterpiece by a jurist, theologian and Sufi from
Damascus, Shaykh ‘Abdu’l-Ghanī an-Nābulusī, on the fair and
authentic balanced judgment on music and singing in Islam.
Lavishly furnished with foreword to the text, introduction
about the author, elucidating footnotes and a postscript on
the technical terminology encountered in the main body of the
work, it spreads out a luscious carpet of several pearls of
wisdom on arch-topics in Islam, such as the need for
equanimity in assessing matters, the obligation to avoid
having a bad thought about one's brethren, the pairing of Law
and Reality, the evils caused by the rigid jurists of the
commonality, and the abiding presence of Allah's friends on
the earth.
A must read available for the first time to the
English-speaking world.
Available in Elegant pdf version - $7.00 by Paypal (Please